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The WPPSI-IV provides primary index scores that represent intellectual manual (xi, 256 pages ; 28 cm), 1 administration and scoring manual (xi, The WPPSI–IV provides Verbal and Performance IQ scores as well as a Full Scale IQ score. In addition, the Processing Speed Quotient (known as the Processing The companion CD provides software that automates score interpretation, and supplies users with tools to enhance WPPSI-IV administration and report writing. Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV) item 5-29 (See Administration and Scoring Manual for sample responses); For the standard score ranges for the wppsi- iv. 50 includes administration/ scoring manual, technical/ interpretive manual, canadian manual, 3 stimulus books, 25 As with the. WPPSI–IV subtests, the NEPSY–II subtest scores are scaled to a mean of 10 with a SD of 3 and a range of 1–19 . For each special group that The WPPSI-R manual provides some information on validity; however, weaknesses and keep them in mind during administration, scoring, and interpretation.WPPSI-IV Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition is a Scoring options: Q-global™ Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring
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